2025 NASPA Annual Conference

2025 International Symposium

The NASPA International Symposium is a specialized preconference of the NASPA Annual Conference that brings together student affairs professionals, educators, administrators, and students from various countries to discuss and address issues pertinent to higher education and student services globally. The primary goal is to foster a global community of practice that enhances the effectiveness of student affairs professionals, enriches the educational environments, and ultimately supports the holistic development of students worldwide. (Global Division, International Education Knowledge Community (IEKC). The event format will include keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.

Symposium Dates: Saturday 15 March and Sunday 16 March 2025

Location: New Orleans , USA

Optional Activities on Friday 14 March 2025

2:00pm - Meet in hotel lobby 

3:00pm - Campus Site Visit 

6:00pm - IS Meet and Greet 

Register for the International Symposium Here


The NASPA International Symposium facilitates the advancement of global discussion and worldwide understanding of student affairs and services. A key International Symposium goal is to invite and explore new perspectives, and to create new connections to bridge international boundaries. In doing so, the International Symposium expands NASPA’s objective of providing professional learning opportunities to support preparedness for the realities of an increasingly globalized society. The International Symposium benefits those working in an international student service setting, as well as practitioners interested in further developing their global competency skills.

The planning committee has developed a two-day schedule meant to engage and inspire action. You'll start Saturday setting the stage for the rest of the weekend, engage with our keynote speaker, and connect with colleagues through networking opportunities. On Sunday, you will engage with experts who will be sure to motivate and inspire you through small group dialogues, breakout sessions and panel discussions. Topped off with plenty of networking opportunities, the NASPA International Symposium will provide you with motivational ideas, actionable steps, and opportunities to connect and learn from your peers.


  • Learning Outcome 1

    Develop increased awareness and knowledge of regional trends and international perspectives on student affairs and services.

  • Learning Outcome 2

    Network with and learn from new contacts and colleagues from multiple regions of the world.

  • Learning Outcome 3

    Strengthen knowledge and skills related to international education and professional growth founded in research and best practices. 

  • Learning Outcome 4

    Reflect on the history and evolution of the international symposium and its advancement of global issues in student affairs and services. 

  • Learning Outcome 5

    Consider future opportunities to expand, enhance and further advance global discussion and worldwide understanding of student affairs and services


  • Global Perspectives, Issues, Culture, and Justice

    A range of topics might include intercultural engagement programming, orientation immersion program, social/cultural practices and establishing norms, policy development, course content, political climate, racial justice issues in a global context, or other practices. Sessions in this track could include best practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging practices/trends, specific programs, programming models, academic models, or other related matters from a global perspective.

  • International Student Services

    A range of topics in this track may include international student orientation, transition, and retention programs; cultural adjustment related to students studying in another culture; ways to increase opportunities for engagement among both international and US-based students; programs that increase fluency and confidence in spoken and conversational languages. Sessions in this track could include best practices, informative information regarding successful programs that could be implemented on other campuses, challenges with international student transition and support, the use of technology and innovation, and other ways to showcase effective work with a specifically international student population

  • Mobility Programs

    A diverse range of topics are applicable and include study abroad, minority representation in study abroad, student exchange, internships, service-learning, faculty led programs, athletics, and other global opportunities. Sessions in this track might examine best practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging trends, specific programs, and others related to international student mobility within higher education.

  • Professional Growth and Networking

    A range of topics might include programming, orientation, networking, professional training, certification programs, leveraging technology to improve practice, or other opportunities. Sessions in this track could include current practices, challenges/obstacles, emerging practices/trends, specific programs, and models or other related matters on professional development.


Deadline to submit - 15 October 2024

Submit Your Call for Program Here

Join us for the NASPA International Symposium and NASPA Annual Conference. The International Symposium is a two-day preconference event Saturday 15 March  - Sunday 16 March 2025 that will explore global issues in student affairs and services and higher education. The event format will include keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.

Please Note: You can register for the 2025 NASPA International Symposium as a stand-alone event. You do not have to also register for the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference.

Presenters will be expected to cover registration and other related fees associated with attending the Symposium. All presenters will be expected to provide an electronic copy of their presentation prior to the event which will be posted on the Symposium website for participants to view afterwards.

All Presenters must register for the International Symposium 


  • Flash Talk Session

    15-minute presentations. Presenters will provide an exciting and inspiring look at an important “hot topic” to spark thinking about how we can transform our profession and consider global perspectives in our field.

  • General Interest Session

    General Interest Sessions are traditional program sessions that last for 50 minutes. They are designed to be interactive conversations between presenters and participants and allow attendees to grow skills and competencies. 

    You can also present a General Interest session in a panel discussion format. 

  • Poster Session

    Poster sessions are impactful information sessions on research and institutional programs. Posters will be available to view throughout the symposium. During dedicated poster session time blocks in the symposium schedule, presenters will be available at their posters to discuss their research and programs. Attendees can use this one-on-one time with presenters to learn more, ask questions, and talk through implications for their own campuses.

  • Scholarly Paper Session

    Scholarly Paper sessions give presenters the opportunity to share innovative research findings and conceptual arguments. Sessions often focus on results of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods studies, or report the findings of studies that use historical or philosophical methods. Scholarly Papers can also present conceptual or theoretical arguments that push the field of student affairs forward. Sessions offer an opportunity for both new and established scholars (e.g., graduate students, graduate preparation program faculty members, and full-time practitioners) to explore emerging and relevant areas of research. Each 50-minute session will feature two authors who will present their papers.

Submit Your Call for Program Here


Registration for the 2025 NASPA International Symposium will open in October. 

In order to attend the 2025 NASPA International Symposium, you must register for the event in advance. There are two options for registering: International Symposium with Annual Conference registration or registration for the International Symposium alone.  When you navigate to the registration page, scroll until you see a section for Extended Pre-Conference Workshops wherein you will find the International Symposium.  

Register Here!

Meet our keynote speakers

Meet our CHAIR

Maria del Pilar Murguia was born in Bolivia and raised across Italy and Colombia! Her multicultural life experience allowed her to learn firsthand the challenges that living in different countries entails!  With a business background, Pilar started working in International Higher education since June 2003 at John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. The focus of her work at JCU was and is to establish and maintain an environment that supports learning, encourages a strong sense of community, and promotes student development through active engagement in university life. She currently directly supervises the areas of Athletics, Outdoor Education Programs, Performing Arts, Student Activities and Trips, and Student Leadership Programs (OL, OSA, Student Clubs). She is part of the board of the Crisis Management Team of her University, as well as the University strategic planning committee.

Pilar is a certified Student Leadership Challenge practitioner, and her continued interest in intercultural leadership makes her curious about all new trends in the field. She is an active member AACUPI, NASPA, EUCA among other associations.

international symposium schedule



All Day

  • 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

    Day One of the International Symposium

    Day One of the International Symposium

  • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

    International Symposium - Check-IN

    International Symposium - Check-IN


  • 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Welcome and Networking Activity

    Welcome and Networking Activity 


  • 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions 

  • 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm

    Keynote Address

    Keynote Address

  • 4:00 pm to 4:50 pm

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions 


  • 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

    Flash Talks

    Flash Talks 

  • 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

    Optional: Dinner and Dialogues

    Optional: Dinner and Dialogues

All Day

  • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

    Day Two of the International Symposium

    Day Two of the International Symposium

  • 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

    International Symposium - Check-IN

    International Symposium - Check-IN


  • 8:00 am to 9:00 am

    Breakfast Buffet

    Breakfast Buffet and Global Division Remarks 

  • 9:00 am to 9:50 am

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions 

  • 10:00 am to 10:50 am

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions

  • 11:00 am to 11:50 am

    Keynote Address

    Keynote Address 


  • 12:00 pm to 12:50 pm

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions 

  • 1:00 pm to 2:20 pm


    Luncheon, Chair Acknowledgments, and the Global Exchange 

  • 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm

    Networking Activity

    Networking Activity 

  • 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm

    Concurrent Sessions

    Concurrent Sessions VI

  • 4:30 pm to 4:45 pm

    Awards, Closing Remarks and Flag Processional

    Awards, Closing Remarks, and Flag Processional