Exhibit and Sponsor
It's time to start planning your exhibit and sponsorship engagement with the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana!
NASPA is excitedly planning for a spectacular event in The Big Easy. We expect 6,000 or more attendees that represent a range of professional levels, and are seen as influential partners and decision-makers on their campuses. The exhibit hall for the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference will take place at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. For planning purposes, if purchased before December 18, 2024, a 10x10 exhibit space for for profits that includes two (2) full time registrations for representatives will be $2,600 for members and $3,800 for non members. A 10x10 exhibit space for non-profits that includes two (2) full time registrations for representatives will be $1,950 for members and $2,275 for non members. Booth reservations are now LIVE!
Are you interested in getting in front of NASPA members throughout the year? Explore all the Corporate Involvement opportunities that are available.
Why Attend?
- Engage and build relationships with vice presidents, deans, directors, and more.
- Tap into a combined purchasing power of over $20 billion a year.
- Grow your mindshare with a wide range of sponsorship opportunities.
- Expand your prospect list with contacts provided by NASPA.
NASPA Membership Snapshot
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please see the below sponsorship opportunities for the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference. Click on the plus sign(s) for more specific information, availability and sponsorship level. Additional options will be included in the upcoming months. Interested in combining multiple opportunities to reach a certain sponsorship level? Let's talk!
For more information about sponsorship, advertising, and exhibit opportunities, don't hesitate to contact us.
Fred Comparato
Senior Director of Corporate Development
[email protected]
Sponsored Events
NASPA Leadership Dinner
Celebrate the 2024-2025 NASPA leaders who finish their term in March with the Board of Directors, NASPA Foundation Board, and the NASPA President. Supporting this event allows for visual recognition, a speaking opportunity, and a lovely evening with student affairs leaders from around the world.
Platinum Level - Unavailable
NASPA Leadership Dinner Reception
Join 160 NASPA leaders during the Leadership Reception held prior to the NASPA Leadership Dinner. Mix and mingle with the NASPA Board of Directors and the NASPA Foundation Board prior to one of the most important events of the year.
Platinum Level
Opening Keynote Session
Sponsoring the opening session is a unique opportunity to be connected to the largest attended session at the annual conference! You'll have brand recognition on the large screens while being verbally thanked and have an opportunity to show a video before the opening keynote speaker begins!
Platinum Level - Unavailable
Opening Reception
Immediately following the opening keynote speaker, be the exclusive sponsor of the biggest event that kicks off the NASPA Annual Conference. Energy is at a conference high during this reception where all attendees are welcomed. Be the sponsor of this event to increase branding and visibility, interact with attendees, and most importantly, let attendees know you are there! NASPA is open for open dialogue regarding this event and it’s sponsor benefits.
Platinum Level
Monday Keynote Speaker
One of the most highly attended events will be the Monday keynote speaker. You'll have brand recognition on the large screens while being verbally thanked and have an opportunity to show a video before the opening keynote speaker begins!
Platinum Level - Unavailable
Tuesday Keynote Speaker
One of the most highly attended events will be the Tuesday keynote speaker. You'll have brand recognition on the large screens while being verbally thanked and have an opportunity to show a video before the opening keynote speaker begins!
Platinum Level - Unavailable
Closing Keynote Speaker
Thousands of attendees are expected to attend the closing keynote speaker. This is an opportunity to have brand awareness while being verbally thanked with an opportunity to show a promotional video before the closing speaker begins!
Platinum Level
NASPA & NASPA Foundation Awards Celebration
This well-attended, signature event for NASPA and the NASPA Foundation honors the outstanding achievement of 25-30 distinguished student affairs professionals. This event is open to all attendees at the annual conference with many decision makers in attendance, including most of the NASPA and NASPA Foundation Board of Directors. Your company will be recognized with signage at the event. Your representative will have an opportunity to say a few words to the group (1-2 minutes) at the event in addition to other branding opportunities.
Silver Level - Unavailable
Tuesday Night Event
Interested in engaging with attendees informally after a packed day of sessions and speakers? For this year's Tuesday Night Event, the engagement committee is planning a fun filled atmosphere for attendees. The Tuesday Night Event sponsor will be verbally recognized, have an opportunity to say a few words, and interact with attendees in this unique space. NASPA is open to discussing options with interested sponsors who are interested.
Gold Level - Unavailable
Pre-conference - NASPA Vice Presidents for Student Affairs Institute
Where can you connect and actively engage and communicate a brief message to potential 300 Vice Presidents of Student Affairs? The VPSA Institute is where you need to be. As a sponsor you’ll receive an attendee mailing list, be verbally recognized before the event begins, gain brand exposure before and during the event and have an opportunity to say a few words to all attendees!
Gold Level - Unavailable
Pre-conference - Community Colleges Institute
If community colleges is your niche market, then this pre-con is for you! As a sponsor you’ll receive an attendee mailing list, be verbally recognized before the event begins, gain brand exposure before and during the event and have an opportunity to say a few words to all attendees! NASPA is open to dialogue to create an interactive experience with attendees!
Silver Level - Unavailable
Pre-conference - International Symposium
Connect with attendees before the conference even starts and get in front of approximately 150-300 international attendees. As a sponsor you’ll receive an attendee mailing list, be verbally recognized before the event begins, gain brand exposure before and during the event and have an opportunity to say a few words to all attendees! NASPA is open to dialogue to create an interactive experience with attendees!
Silver Level
Pre-conference - Undergraduate Student Conference
Undergraduate students are highly engaged and will one day be the future of the student affairs profession. Connect with students at this very popular pre-con. As a sponsor you’ll receive an attendee mailing list, be verbally recognized before the event begins, gain brand exposure before and during the event and have an opportunity to say a few words to all attendees! NASPA is open to dialogue to create an interactive experience with attendees!
Silver Level
VPSA & Voting Delegate Reception
The Vice President's of Student Affairs Reception is a unique venue where you would not only be verbally recognized, but also have an opportunity to show a short promotional video to attendees. Sponsors may also provide a promotional item at the exit doors if they desire.
Gold Level - Unavailable
Small Colleges and Universities Division VPSA Reception
If small colleges is your niche market, then you’ll want to be a part of this event! The Small Colleges and Universities Division VPSA Reception will host approximately 50-70 Vice Presidents of Student Affairs. There will be an opportunity to say a few words during this event, network and provide a gift to the vice presidents!
Silver Level - Unavailable
VPSA Lounge
Go straight to the movers and shakers in student affairs by sponsoring the VPSA lounge. You’ll be able to place signage, set up your own table, and even co-host the lounge with a NASPA representative throughout the entire conference! Sponsors will also have the opportunity to sponsor one of the designated VPSA breaks in the lounge!
Silver Level - Unavailable
VPSA Colleague Conversations
Throughout the conference, VPSAs will have the opportunity to engage informally with each other through facilitated discussions on specific topics. Before these conversations, your company representative will be verbally introduced with an opportunity to say a few words to attendees!
Bronze Level - Unavailable
KC Receptions
With 36 Knowledge Communities, sponsoring one of the receptions gives you the ability to specifically target a demographic that you can best serve. As a sponsor you’ll be able to place signs at the front, pass out literature, receive verbal recognition and even say a few words. Is there a specific KC that you want to get in front of? You can view the entire list to see if there is a specific KC reception you are interested in supporting.
Bronze Level
SA Speaks
Be recognized at one of NASPA’s most popular educational sessions. SA Speaks (Student Affairs Speaks), NASPA’s spin on TED Talks, is one of our most popular featured sessions. Sponsors will receive a verbal recognition by a NASPA Leader before one of the presentations and an opportunity to show a promotional video to the audience before the speakers begin!
Gold Level
Sponsored Areas
Career Hub
The Placement Exchange Career Hub is a uniquely designed area for NASPA attendees to step away from focusing on professional development in-service to the campuses and focus on their own professional trajectory. Here attendees have the opportunity to participate in career coaching, have their applicant materials reviewed, practice mock-interviewing and apply to jobs. Have your signage throughout the Career Hub and if desired interact with attendees during high-traffic time periods in the space. Sponsors may also support specific components of the Career Hub by providing those services (coaching, materials review, interview prep).
Bronze Level - Unavailable
Registration Area
Do you want attendees to know your organization is at NASPA when they make their way to registration to receive their name badges? Be the exclusive sponsor of the registration area! Your logo will be prominently displayed on the registration panels, floor decals, and you will also have the opportunity to provide a promotional item at the registration counters.
Gold Level
Engagement Activities
NASPA will host multiple engagement activities for all NASPA attendees to reconnect with other attendees and celebrate their NASPA family. Sponsors have an opportunity to interact with attendees during high-traffic time periods in these spaces. Have an idea you would like to discuss? Let us know!
Gold Level
Wellness Activities
During the annual conference, it will be important for attendees to take a break, get moving and participate in one NASPA's wellness activities. Be the exclusive sponsor of one of the multiple wellness activities that attendees will surely remember long after their annual conference experience.
Gold Level
Photoboxx Station - Exhibit Hall
Back by popular demand from the 2024 Annual Conference, NASPA is planning the Photoboxx Station in the exhibit hall for attendees to get a photo taken in front of the large Ivy Wall with the NASPA Logo. One of your representatives can help attendees take large group photos and distribute promotional materials!
Gold Level - Unavailable
Exhibit Hall Conference Challenge Experience
Want a simple and easy way to direct attendees to your booth? This is a great ice breaker to get attendees to visit your booth. Using the mobile app, attendees will accumulate points by visiting the seven exhibitors who are the sponsors of the conference challenge!
Bronze Level - (5 of 7 available)
First-time Attendee Lounge
Designed to let new attendees network, learn about NASPA, and relax between sessions, by sponsoring this lounge you’ll be able to place your sign at the entrance and reach out to a diverse group of first time attendees!
Bronze Level - Unavailable
Exhibit Hall Coffee Breaks
It’s a fact: attendees run on coffee. Be the one that gives them this fuel by sponsoring one of coffee breaks in the exhibit hall. Relax with attendees in the exhibit hall while your signs are at the entrance and you’re recognized verbally over the speakers. Your company may also provide beverage napkins for your sponsored break!
Bronze Level
Exhibit Hall HeadShot Lounge
Interested in getting your professional headshot taken during the annual conference? Stop by the exhibit hall, grab a ticket from the sponsors booth, and have your professional head shots e-mailed to within days of the conference!
Gold Level - Unavailable
Exhibit Hall Ice Cream Social
Place your signs at the front of the exhibit hall while attendees stream in to enjoy an afternoon sweet treat. If desired, your staff can personally help hand out the ice cream bars. You’ll be able to relax and chat with them while you’re verbally thanked in the exhibit hall!
Silver Level
Sponsored Items
Conference Welcome Bags
If the branding route is your main interest, then sponsoring the annual conference welcome bags are the way to go! As attendees check in at the registration area, the welcome bags will be available for attendees to pick up. Your logo will be prominently displayed on one side of the bag, with an opportunity to also provide a promotional item in every bag!
Platinum Level
Attendee Lanyards
Sponsoring the attendee lanyards is another excellent branding opportunity. As attendees check in at the registration area, attendees will receive their name badge and lanyards to wear around their necks. Your logo will be prominently displayed on the lanyard. It is a well known fact that attendees love to take selfies and photos, so your companies logo be in attendee's photos in perpetuity!
Platinum Level - Unavailable
Campus Tours
During their stay in New Orleans, NASPA will host Campus Tours to 3-4 local universities. Interested in handing out some swag on the bus transportation and/or say a few words prior to the Campus Tour lunch? This is your opportunity to engage with attendees as they visit multiple campuses during the very popular Campus Tour program.
Silver Level
Community Service Initiative Transportation
At every annual conference, NASPA will implement a local community service initiative to give back to the local area. Interested in interacting with attendees as they travel to the community service project? Let us know!
Silver Level
Virtual Conference
Are you interested in reaching hundreds of student affair's professionals shortly after the annual conference? We encourage you to participate in the 2025 Virtual Conference. More information forthcoming.
Silver Level
Featured Educational Session Room(s)
Is your organization interested in sponsoring one of the featured educational session rooms that will seat between 400 and 500 attendees? Get verbally recognized at the beginning of the session, with brand awareness, and a short message communicated to participants before the session begins.
Gold Level
Conference Mobile App
Already an invaluable resource with thousands of downloads, as a mobile app sponsor your promotional message will be visible for every attendee when they connect to the mobile app for the first time.
Gold Level
NASPA Foundation Support
The NASPA Foundation advances NASPA and the student affairs profession by raising funds that are used to celebrate achievement, as well as support scholarships, meaningful research and emergent practices. Become the Foundation's primary sponsor at the NASPA Annual Conference to get visibility in an email reaching all 15,000 of NASPA's members, an invitation to the NASPA Foundation donor reception, the opportunity to staff a high visibility game at the NASPA Foundation booth, and logo and verbal recognition in several different locations! For more information, please contact Lucy Fort at [email protected]
Conference Wi-Fi Landing Page
When attendees log into Wi-Fi for the first time at the The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, have your message front and center for attendees to view on the landing page! Let attendees know your company is New Orleans by promoting your booth location and the product/service you offer!
Gold Level
NASPA NOW Professional Awards
In partnership with the New Professionals and Graduate Students Knowledge Community and the NASPA Central Office, the NASPA NOW Professional Recognition recognizes the impact that new professionals and graduate students have upon the student affairs profession. Each year, 25 participants will be selected as winners in categories aligned with the NASPA Pillars, Integrity, Inclusion, Innovation, and Inquiry, as well as a fifth category of Impact.
Bronze Level
General Advertising
Explore the multiple ways you can get your message in front of NASPA attendees before, during and after the conference! Please contact Juan Pelaez-Barboza at [email protected] with any advertising questions. You can also review our media kit.
Platinum $25k+ |
Gold $15k+ |
Silver $10k+ |
Bronze $5k+ |
Exhibitor | |
Opening Session BrandingLogo Recognition while being verbally thanked by the conference planning chair. |
check | ||||
Premier Sponsored EventsFirst right of refusal of sponsorship for premier annual conference events such as keynote speakers, vice president's of student affairs functions or the opening reception. |
check | ||||
Mobile App PromotionRotating banner ad in the annual conference mobile app. |
check | ||||
Attendee List Early AccessEarly access to the attendee list (names, schools, titles only). |
check | check | |||
VPSA and Voting Delegate ReceptionInvitations to the VPSA and Voting Delegate Reception (Platinum 2, Gold 1). |
check | check | |||
Opening Session AcknowledgementsYou’ll be verbally thanked during the opening session by the conference planning chair. |
check | check | |||
Sponsored Program SessionHost your own corporate session to educate attendees about your product and expertise in student affairs. |
check | check | |||
Digital Program Guide AdColor ad in digital program guide (if artwork received by January 5). Full page ad for Platinum and Gold. Half page ad for Silver. |
check | check | check | ||
Conference Web Site BrandingReceive premiere exposure on our website with your logo and a hyperlink. |
check | check | check | ||
Sponsored Area, Event or ItemChoose one of the sponsored areas, events or items listed above. |
check | check | check | check | |
Digital Program Guide RecognitionLogo and sponsor level recognition in the digital program book. |
check | check | check | check | |
Exhibit Hall Booth LocationReceive premier booth selection placement towards the front of the exhibit hall entrance. The exhibit booth fee is not included. |
check | check | check | check | |
Mobile AppRecognition as a sponsor in the mobile app for the annual conference. |
check | check | check | check | |
Attendee Mailing and E-mail ListReceived 3 weeks prior to the conference, you’ll be able to generate and follow up with leads. This list will only include those attendees who have consented to have their information shared with exhibitors and sponsors. Organizations that are NASPA members will receive both e-mail addresses and mailing addresses. |
check | check | check | check | check |
Program AccessAs an exhibitor/sponsor you’ll be able to attend the entire event. |
check | check | check | check | check |
Thank you to our 2025 Annual Conference supporters!
For inquires regarding the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference in New Orleans, please contact Fred Comparato, Senior Director of Corporate Development, at [email protected].